Field Notes: Resources to Cultivate & Motivate
Teachings and tips for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays, and moments when manifesting your true self.

Writing as a tool through stress
Expressive writing as a tool to help through stress to build meaning

Lessons Learned from Remote Learning
We need to prepare for the fall by ensuring that we are complementing learning and not complicating kids’ lives. We do this through more individualized education

Stop abusing immigrant children and their families crossing our border
Expelling children to violent situations, detaining children with parents in filthy conditions without the capacity for hygiene, or separating children from parents, are not suitable solutions during the COVID-19 crisis.

Helping children out of school
How to help kids manage not just with school closures, but also the longer effects of physical distancing, isolation, and unrest

Coping when self-care doesn’t work
Practical guide when we are feeling depleted and exhausted

Child soldiers and our moral failing
mental health and policies to help former child soldiers

Too tired to parent but not too tired to care
Parents are exhausted. We need to shift from you’re an individual with poor coping skills” to “you’re parenting in a broken system.”

Break the habit of staying busy all the time
5 ways to engage in your life when feeling constantly busy

Sexual violence after disasters is common - anticipate and protect
Anticipate and respond to sexual violence after major natural disasters