Field Notes: Resources to Cultivate & Motivate
Teachings and tips for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays, and moments when manifesting your true self.

Handling the Rocky Return to Normal Life
How to handle the return to post-pandemic life if you are returning to independence after living with family

How to talk to kids about anti-Asian hate
With the surge in anti-Asian violence, parents are left wondering how to talk to kids about racism against Asian Americans. Here are some tips, with links to my story on NBC as well as an interview with MSNBC.

Helping our children through social isolation
How to help children who are feeling isolated? With school closures, limited activities, lack of playdates, children can act out, withdraw, and become depressed.

Having difficult conversations about disappointment
there is a lot of disappointment in this year. Weddings postponed, funerals unattended. Birthday parties and playdates cancelled. A wedding is not just an event, it’s symbolic, takes lots of planning, and behind the event hides the desire to be celebrated and to share love among your closest circle. For kids, sleepover parties and teenage trips are cancelled, leaving many disappointed. Here are a few tips on how we can talk to family and friends, about our decisions to cancel these events that all have so much meaning behind them.

Helping kids (and parents!) adjust to life at home
Parents and children are struggling at home together all the time. With schools and offices closed, how can we lower the stress to support our kids (and parents!) during hard times?

Talking with college students about risky decisions
Students heading back to college face a return to COVID-19 risk factors. How do we talk to our teenagers and college kids about risky decisions when they go to school? Hint: be humble to neurobiology.

Keep schools closed and shift discussion to America’s broken social system
We need to shift the conversation to addressing why we are placing all our social needs on schools. We burden teachers/schools to solve homelessness, hunger, poverty, abuse, and caretaking, while also tasked to educate. All with little funds/resources.

Lessons Learned from Remote Learning
We need to prepare for the fall by ensuring that we are complementing learning and not complicating kids’ lives. We do this through more individualized education

Helping children out of school
How to help kids manage not just with school closures, but also the longer effects of physical distancing, isolation, and unrest

Too tired to parent but not too tired to care
Parents are exhausted. We need to shift from you’re an individual with poor coping skills” to “you’re parenting in a broken system.”